Here you can see questions asked by other users. If you answer these question, your answers may be inserted into the FAQ.
Date / User | Question | |
2015-09-25 01:29 Mojo Jojo | Rule System: How to set a specific and different download target path for all files with a specific extension? | Answer |
2015-10-03 15:38 Andy | User Interface: Change font/text color? How would I do this or is it possible? I choose my own backgrounds for the downloads screen, but the text is too dark against the themes/backgrounds i like to use... | Answer |
2015-10-09 03:08 Nathan Rein | General: What are the keyboard shortcuts? | Answer |
2015-10-21 16:44 Fix | Options: I'm trying to download all files in a parent directory. Chrono works great except for subfolders. I can make it work in linux with Wget but I was wondering if there is an option in chrono to also download the contents of multiple subfolders without having to open each one individually? As of now it simply saves an html file. | Answer |
2015-10-22 03:04 june | Rule System: 使用js脚本显示youtube视频下载链接,下载后视频名称都是videoplayback.mp4。 | Answer |
2015-10-23 02:27 Alexander Nee | Rule System: Can I route downloads from specific sites to different folders? | Answer |
2015-10-29 17:39 Mauricio Kaster | General: Does Chrono is capable of downloading a file in multiple pieces? | Answer |
2015-11-08 22:19 Emile | General: Is it possible to create a scheduled download so that it only starts from say 12 at night? | Answer |
2015-11-11 05:43 randy abarca | General: how to install | Answer |
2015-12-11 08:07 Brian | General: I see where you can disable notification sounds, but is it possible to change them? | Answer |
2015-12-12 10:54 nazuna | General: p站点开大图后无法下载,提示server forbidden,该如何设置 | Answer |
2015-12-19 14:30 Barry Nelson | General: What is the software license? | Answer |
2016-01-13 15:58 evgs89 | General: How to continue downloading after network fail? It just restarts download. | Answer |
2016-01-14 19:37 JD | Sniffer: How to download only files from a specific webpage? When I use sniffer, it finds all files from the website I'm on. It's like if it searches a directory from the webpage where there is all the downloads available. Because all the files are randomly named with numbers, I can't select those I want without open them all first, which is insane when you have more than 20 downloadable files. | Answer |
2016-01-21 11:18 Roberto | General: Is it possible to enable multiple simultaneous connections for the same file? I use this option in Flashget and it speeds up a lot the downloads. Thank you | Answer |
2016-01-31 16:47 Evan Perkins | General: Can you add an "Open With..." option? For example, instead of having a PDF open in a browser tab, we have an option to open in the system viewer or with another program. | Answer |
2016-02-12 20:45 Le | Sniffer: I have been trying to find a way to download over 10000 files. Unfortunately the limit of number of tasks is 10000 and it automatically registers only the first 9999 urls. How can I find the rest of the urls so I can add them afterwards ? I cannot split them beforehand... I sure hope you can help me because as of now there is no way of getting any files from urls Chrono sniffed beyond 10000. It sniffs them, but cant do anything with the last ones, cant even copy all those urls infront of me :( thank you very much in advance. Sorry for my english | Answer |
2016-02-25 16:12 m4biz | General: Is it possible to schedule a download so that it can start at a definied time (i.e. from 11.00 PM to 7.00 am ? | Answer |
2016-02-26 13:48 moxi | General: 下载flv视频出现任务中断,而mp4视频可以下载 | Answer |
2016-03-09 16:37 Lloyd | Rule System: How do you create a rule that will only download images over a certain size?? | Answer |
2016-03-09 16:39 Lloyd | Rule System: How do you create a rule that will prevent the downloading of duplicates from the page?? And from one already existing in the download location?? | Answer |
2016-03-11 09:53 Jay D S | General: Clicking on clear tasks have been deleted files from system. How to recover those files?? | Answer |
2016-03-13 01:49 VoT | User Interface: How to download a bulk of links I've already scraped? | Answer |
2016-03-14 13:13 taoboyong | Sniffer: 不能使用资源嗅探下载音乐和视频 | Answer |
2016-03-21 05:19 levdev | User Interface: How to hide the arrow image when an One-click download started? | Answer |
2016-03-28 08:51 Sudhanshu Suman | General: Why the download failed without completing is not continuing from where it failed? | Answer |
2016-03-29 12:38 charcoal | General: 是否能下载百度云中需要使用百度云管家才能下载的文件? | Answer |
2016-04-07 06:03 Bekah | General: Is there a way I can queue something to download at a certain time (hour and minutes) ? | Answer |
2016-05-13 19:10 Alex Chernov | Options: Can I use Remarks field to name the file? | Answer |
2016-05-16 15:33 aytimothy | User Interface: Is there any way to remove the advertisements in the options menu? (Ad Block? Pay? Config Option?) | Answer |
2016-05-24 16:46 Alyssa | General: How to queue downloads so that a file automatically starts downloading after one finishes? | Answer |
2016-05-27 03:10 邱 | General: 我有一些http://[1:13]&ServiceType=imagepage 这样的请求,希望能批量下载,请问可否把保存的文件名设置成批量下载的编号(就是请求中的page)? | Answer |
2016-06-02 16:07 coyote | User Interface: How can I get downloads to direct to various folders based on URL they're downloaded from? | Answer |
2016-06-06 09:49 Federico Albertini | Rule System: How to generate links that change numbers in two different parts of the URL with the same number, i.e: ../12/image012.jpg and .../13/image013.jpg ? if I use .../[1:13]/image[001:013].jpg it cycle all the possible combinations between the two ranges... | Answer |
2016-06-14 19:57 Joseph Roberts | Sniffer: I'm currently have the web address for an FTP site hosting rasters for a study site. Unfortunately, the site has actual contents within sub-folders. Is there a way that i can tell the sniffer to down the contents of the sub-folder rather than the link/folder itself? | Answer |
2016-06-17 17:30 Hany Attia | Options: could you please add option which show remaining size with megabytes from the original size ? thank you. | Answer |
2016-06-23 08:16 Spastic Chinchilla | User Interface: How do I queue a download in a specific order? | Answer |
2016-06-25 14:13 Ang. | General: Instead of pressing "yes" to the "permanently remove selected task(s)?" I hit "yes, and also remove file(s)". I checked my recycle bin but they aren't there. Where can I find the items to undelete them or are they gone forever? | Answer |
2016-06-28 03:16 RUNOVER | General: 当数个任务下载速度为0后,不能自动停止,换别的任务下载,程序无法继续下载别的任务,停滞了 | Answer |
2016-06-30 13:02 b1f6c1c4 | General: 不论下载什么文件,下载进度条到100%以后还需要额外等待3~5秒才提示下载完毕(实际上文件确实已经下载完了),影响效率 | Answer |
2016-07-16 10:12 Gary Crooke | User Interface: how do I schedule downloads. I have an ISP that has peak and off peak data allowances. | Answer |
2016-07-18 13:26 grig | Rule System: My custom rules are gone, I bet they've been backed up with time machine. What file should I replace with a copy from the backup? | Answer |
2016-08-13 01:47 MarQuiS | User Interface: Is a way to disable the .exe file warning? | Answer |
2016-08-20 06:56 Mike | General: How to prevent CDM from adding new tasks to top of queue? It does it even if I don't select it. | Answer |
2016-08-22 11:16 徐继 | General: 下载的时候会出现没有下载完却提示下载完成,文件大小和源文件不一致。 | Answer |
2016-08-29 20:56 dan | User Interface: how do i open a jnlp file, i believe it is a java supported program but i cant get it to open | Answer |
2016-09-08 15:38 James Bowkett | General: How do I recover removed files? I inadvertently deleted some files by not unticking a box... | Answer |
2016-09-22 17:08 Holgi | Options: Is it possible to increase the max. number of downloads per server to be higher than 5? | Answer |
2016-09-23 10:39 Jruip | Sniffer: is it possible to "sniff" linked pages (at configurable "deep") in order to recursively download? | Answer |
2016-09-29 15:46 li | General: 下载速度很不稳定,重置之后下载第一个文件速度是正常的,下载第二个文件开始速度就只有几kb 了 | Answer |
2016-09-30 02:32 jianghao | General: 如何批量下载喜马拉雅(上的音频文件 | Answer |
2016-10-03 08:41 Aquila Noctis | General: Hello! I am experiencing this issue, during the normal download of a video file from openload, I get NETWORK_FAILED and it cannot resume. It happens when connection is on and sometimes is related to having closed the laptop lid, other times it happens anyway. (Closing lid does not affect laptop behaviors in my settings) | Answer |
2016-10-07 11:59 CodeKiller | Sniffer: Is there anyway to know how "Batch Descriptor" is working ? I don't find any help for that... Exemple downloading links from 20 to 30 when it can goes from 0 to 100. | Answer |
2016-10-11 07:26 Dark Hades | User Interface: Not show the download speed always show 99days left | Answer |
2016-10-19 12:32 LYNN | Sniffer: 可以下载视频,但视频只能下载6分25秒,把扩展删除再安装后,下载视频也只有6分25秒, | Answer |
2016-11-06 11:22 marsnego | Sniffer: 下载在线视频的时候如何下载当下视频的标题命名的视频文件而不是自动下载引用页的视频名称. | Answer |
2016-11-12 19:01 Chris | General: How do I automatically start downloading the next file in the queue? I want to download files one by one, not everything simultaneously. And I don't want to have to manually unpause the next download everytime one finishes. If I click "Download the link" > start, every file I add to the queue starts downloading simultaneously, which is not what I want. If I pick "Add paused", it'll pause the download, but it won't start even after the last download is complete. I'd have to unpause each file manually one by one. If I simply right-click, "save link as..", it'll just start downloading simultaneously. There seems to be no way to make Chrono automatically unpause the next file in the queue once the first download is complete? | Answer |
2016-11-14 05:56 粟阿基 | General: 如何下载百度云上面的文件 | Answer |
2016-11-20 04:54 BRITTANY SIMON | User Interface: after you click one click image download and the arrow shows up where are the files stored because i did that with probably about 200 files and now cannot find those files anywhere | Answer |
2016-11-21 21:48 bam | General: how to remember "keep" option for jar files? | Answer |
2016-12-07 02:54 Linh Nguyen | Rule System: Hi ! How can i set a rule for: Download all *PNG picture width=178,height=178 on a website ? I am using hrono Download Manager addon for Chrome | Answer |
2016-12-07 17:15 undrline | User Interface: How to make the shortcut button open the manager instead of the sniffer? | Answer |
2016-12-08 12:03 Akina | General: Is there any method to download multiple files as a compress folder (like a .zip file)? | Answer |
2016-12-29 17:02 Jonathan | General: Is there a way to have the interface show downloads in BITS per second, instead of BYTES per second? Thank you, wonderful extension!!! | Answer |
2017-01-09 00:30 Jimi Colville-Smith | User Interface: tooltips? you have symbols everywhere what are they? | Answer |
2017-01-16 20:24 Gabe | General: I have a question, I downloaded chrono download manager and I am wondering is there a way I can make it open automatically by default when i download a file? I look forward to hearing from you thanks. | Answer |
2017-01-22 03:44 SserxresS | General: Is there any way to schedule a download to resume at a specific time | Answer |
2017-01-28 04:41 Daniel Mogilevsky | General: In chrono I have set the concurrent download amount to 1. However, when I set many different files to download all of the ones that are waiting to start downloading are given a random common name always ending in "uc" and have an unkown size and are listed as "waiting in queue, however when I pause all downloads and try and un-pause them nothing happens, they seem to not be downloading. Attempting to open those files only causes the file to duplicate itself in the queue. | Answer |
2017-02-08 08:17 loomhigh223555 | General: how can i add double digit numbers (EG 01 02 03) onto a batch download for easier sorting. | Answer |
2017-02-11 17:13 Crysta | General: How do I get this to work with Google Drive? It wont even let me download MY OWN FILES!!! | Answer |
2017-02-17 04:12 Amanda | General: How do I set the number of threads per download? I'm getting slow download speeds compared to other multithreaded download managers that I've tried. I'd like to increase the number of threads per download to 5 threads. | Answer |
2017-02-22 15:35 Ricardo | Main Interface: In the default chrome download manager, I can drag and drop downloaded files from the Ctrl-J tab directly to file explorer. How can I do the same in Chrono DM? | Answer |
2017-02-25 06:28 Hanan | User Interface: How to queue download? I want to finish one file download before starting the other, not downloading all of them at the same time | Answer |
2017-03-03 23:27 John Banister | General: When I try to save an image or pdf that has its own tab in my browser (Vivaldi), Chrono manager inserts itself into the process and re-downloads the already downloaded content. Is there any good way to avoid this? | Answer |
2017-03-06 12:25 miao | General: 如何关闭chrome本身下载,每次都是chrome本身下载一个,这个插件下载一个 | Answer |
2017-03-07 15:13 thalawatta | General: share | Answer |
2017-03-14 01:24 Dave | General: How do I schedule a download to start after 2:00 AM? | Answer |
2017-03-22 16:49 ray wong | Rule System: i'm trouble getting my naming masks dialed in. There are several sights that I use the *page_title*.*ext* and that works as intended for the most part. On other sites such as google drive it will not name the file at all and just names with only the extension followed by a number behind it if there is more than one file of that type being down loaded. Requesting someone who has figured it out to FAQ a specific rule temples for naming mask we can assign to specific sites. I figure i would need a rule that looks for certain domains when it is about to download and will use a different naming mask if that applies. I just have not gotten it to work. Not sure if this is related but occasional my CDM will "forget" its naming mask even when i have NOT been otherwise adjusting the settings | Answer |
2017-03-25 21:22 Andrew | General: I'm having issues with the order of the URL's I'm entering int he URL list. I will copy them in a specific order, set the file name to order by "num" but when it does the job and downloads the pictures they are NOT in order. Is there a way to fix or use a workaround so that the list of URLs I add in are also numbered in the same order? Else there is no reason to number them at all. | Answer |
2017-04-24 09:04 wrzwicky | General: When the info panel shows "redirect" next to a URL, what does that mean? Why is it different from the main URL? | Answer |
2017-05-02 05:40 sic018 | User Interface: How to keep column width in sheet mode ? | Answer |
2017-05-03 21:51 Jordan | Options: In the rule system tab, you can create your own naming mask based on the file type. Can you make a list of options that you can use in the naming mask column. for example: *name*.*ext* will save a file with . How can you write a naming mask that writes . By file description I mean, the text viewed before clicking a link. Thanks! | Answer |
2017-05-11 19:17 Ryan | General: Is there a way to download documents from multiple tabs at once? | Answer |
2017-05-16 09:38 luo | Sniffer: 无法使用资源嗅探器 任何网站都不行 | Answer |
2017-05-19 09:25 王刚 | General: 命名里如何通过来调用规则 | Answer |
2017-06-06 09:23 崔斯特 | Options: 我的浏览器设置里面没有语言设置这一栏,主页面是中文,下载管理器页面是英文版,怎么搞成中文? | Answer |
2017-06-10 11:20 Rich | General: I enqueued a few downloads yesterday and then went out. WHen I got back there had been some kind of error as all but the first task were showing as failed. But whne I try now to start them again, I get an error report "disk full". Disk is not full. Any thoughts? Thanks. | Answer |
2017-06-10 18:13 susamthna | Pop-up Downloads List: waldana | Answer |
2017-06-13 11:55 khalid | Options: كيفية تغيير لغة البرنامج الى الغه العربيه | Answer |
2017-06-14 02:48 Bernie | Rule System: 你好 我希望能自动命名1000个或者10000个文件,而不是只能自动命名100个文件。 | Answer |
2017-06-14 19:24 Jerswing | General: Unable to Download bank statment in PDF format --- Getting wacko, undecipherable gobbdle-gook ([non] technical IT term) | Answer |
2017-06-29 13:13 Paul Cui | General: How to download the PDF only in a PDF+HTML extension? | Answer |
2017-07-06 09:54 Murat Karabacak | General: Is there a way to open pdf files with system default pdf viewer without changing chrome pdf settings? | Answer |
2017-07-11 12:10 None | Rule System: Linux下跟Windows下的下载内容和规则设置不同步吧? 假如都登录了gmail帐号的话. 否则岂不乱了. | Answer |
2017-07-11 12:18 None | General: 是否开源? 开源网站上没查到这软件. 毕竟掌握着访问记录和下载记录的权限. 万一被朝廷招安弄个后门什么的, 感觉不爽. 所以下了想想又卸了. 文件组织管理是个麻烦事. 或许得自己写一个开源的. | Answer |
2017-07-24 05:15 Winston | Rule System: 网址中有一段相同的序列数字,如.../alkjdlkjf[000:999]/alkjdlkjf[000:999].png,如按这样输入的话会两个变量分别批量匹配,请问如果想要两个变量相同该如何设置规则呢? | Answer |
2017-08-17 16:28 Kent | Main Interface: 請問新任務有快速鍵嗎? THX~~ | Answer |
2017-08-24 18:40 曾鈺文 | Options: 斷點續傳該怎用? | Answer |
2017-09-05 11:01 antony s | Rule System: How do rename archives, i.e. ZIP by host name? ... I tried everything like new condition {r_done}&&*ext*.is([ext_arch]) with masking name *host*.*name*.*ext* and it didnt work | Answer |
2017-09-27 00:47 Mike Jones | General: Is there a way to pass username and password to protected websites? | Answer |
2017-10-04 07:49 Remilton Sousa | User Interface: When I finish a download a little notification appears informing the conclusion of the said download. How can I disable the miniature of images that appear in these notifications? If I remember correctly, there was an option for that before, but I can't find that anymore. | Answer |
2017-10-04 17:18 Jay0 | Rule System: I'm looking to create a rule to have it rename the file as *text* of the link. | Answer |
2017-10-12 13:50 Dawn Arc | User Interface: 点图标弹出的小窗口和主界面都无法正常显示,一片空白,中间是网页加载时的转圈图标,但是一直在加载没有变化。 | Answer |
2017-10-12 14:21 Ricardo Gonzalez | Options: Hello, I would like to have an option to be able to limit the bandwidth. | Answer |
2017-10-15 16:16 JZ | General: How to detect duplicate download links? | Answer |
2017-10-16 00:05 David Cole | User Interface: Is there a way to drag the downloaded file from the UI like there is with the normal Chrome download interface? I hate having to open multiple instances of File Explorer to get the file that used to be draggable from chrome | Answer |
2017-10-29 12:54 Vicky Li | General: Download finished before downloading the whole file, so the file is incomplete and I have to download it again from the beginning. Is there anyway to solve it? | Answer |
2017-11-01 14:03 Vendril | Rule System: How can I set the naming mask *num* to start from a certain value or reset back to 0? Had to delete a few items from the queue and now new items have skipped the numbers already used but cancelled. | Answer |
2017-11-07 03:45 Jason | Sniffer: ok for a few days now i have trying to figure out how to get an RE to work with the sniffer. what i am needing to do is have it filter the video results based on either 2 letters in a specific spot in the url or based on a word in the remarks column. Is this possible? | Answer |
2017-11-09 08:51 Joyau | Rule System: How can I used only the last 10 digits of a picture url as the name. The FAQ only show how to use the full URL, which I do not want. | Answer |
2017-11-11 17:26 berrylee | General: 如何设置批量下载时的文件下载顺序?后添加的批量下载任务,怎样排在正在进行的下载任务之后进行? | Answer |
2017-11-12 19:36 jerswing | User Interface: [Attempted to] download a music track, "Gulf Coast Highway" ---- What I now have is a Temp file in downloads, named: "108b3161-f018-4db1-b250-6bf67bcc54fc ---- Not sure exactly WHAT to do next in order to File, Locate & Enjoy the music I have purchased and [Attempted to} Download ---- Suggestions, anyone?? | Answer |
2017-11-13 10:46 cwoest | General: 支持断点续传吗 | Answer |
2017-11-21 04:22 waheed | General: Is there a way to batch download using a provided "link;saved name" pair? Where the file name is provided in the "saved name" | Answer |
2017-11-24 23:47 Jason | Options: Is there a way to disable that down arrow that pops up after a download is complete? | Answer |
2017-12-04 08:32 Carrie.c | Sniffer: why it can't show the sniffer page when I clicked on the glass | Answer |
2017-12-13 22:03 Troy | Options: Trying to create a new naming mask that pulls from elements on a website. Default naming mask gives a series of random numbers. I would like to pull the name from different parts on the site instead of copying and pasting every time I download. | Answer |
2017-12-15 18:54 Jacob Chen | General: How come when I queue 2 files while another file is downloading, the two queued files become .html files? I am using 1 concurrent download and 5 downloads per server. | Answer |
2017-12-23 23:06 陈巧玲 | User Interface: 如何下载喜马拉雅软件里的MP | Answer |
2018-01-18 16:59 David | Sniffer: 怎么根据文件类型或名称的不同自定义下载到本电脑的不同位置 | Answer |
2018-01-19 02:17 david | Rule System: 怎样写个规则让指定类型的文件(比如文件名称保护哪些单词的)自动下载到指定文件夹(比如电脑E盘的A文件夹) | Answer |
2018-01-23 14:41 cqj | Pop-up Downloads List: 右键图片,选择chrono的一键下载,出现一个下载图标闪一下,但是在Chrome设置的下载文件里找不到。 | Answer |
2018-02-01 03:16 Red Rey | User Interface: How to recover back my download files , after I permanently removed the task in the list ? | Answer |
2018-02-15 23:19 Naomi | General: What is the meaning of the permissions? | Answer |
2018-02-28 06:03 xx | General: 下载完成的任务在过了一段时间后就无法在任务列表中点击打开(提示“该任务可能已被Chrome移除了”,然而文件是存在的) | Answer |
2018-03-05 11:53 Christian | General: Hi I attempt to enter a local site as URL (e.g. http://mylocalsite/) The URL is not accepted as the local site does not have an extension (such as .com). Chrome can access the site using the local link. Is it possible to make chrono download manager accept locally hosted sites? | Answer |
2018-03-13 21:30 Frank | General: Once a download is paused it can not be resumed. It always returns an error "SERVER FORBIDDEN". What good is a download manager if i have to download all at once? | Answer |
2018-03-29 14:42 Alex | Options: Being a webmaster (Wordpress), I use Chrono to preload my site in the cache (WP Rocket; make an html sitemap on your site, 'sniff it' and download it. Now the site is cached, meaning it loads a lot faster for my users. Only one problem: it works only for the desktop version of my site. Even if I change the browser's user agent, it will still download the desktop version. So the question is: can I change the user agent Chrono uses into a mobile agent, so also my mobile users can benefit from a fast mobile site? Thanks, Alex | Answer |
2018-04-11 21:24 Dan | Rule System: regex number matching, and name mask variables. Q1. First, is there a way to do a wildcard for digit 0-9, for the condition? e.g. *state*==[download]&&*url*.has("srId=[0-9]") This does not work since it does not understand [0-9], any workaround? Q2. Is there a way to create a variable in the name mask? e.g. /*variable*/*name*.*ext* Where the *variable* is equivalent to what is found in regex string it matched under the rule condition. In this case that was: *url*.has("srId=[0-9]") | Answer |
2018-04-14 14:16 Andy JP | Options: I'm not really sure what category this falls under. I also haven't found any info whatsoever in the FAQ. Here goes nothin... Is there any possible way to prevent chrono from initiating a download on a particular site (and its sub sites)? Sort of like adblocker plus can be disabled for a particular site. OR...I suppose another option would be to prevent chrono from overriding chrome for a particular file that possible? I'm not gonna lie i'm downloading roms. And my main rom plug doesn't care for chrono at all. I usually have to manually disable the extension, then cuss myself later when I wonder why it's not working, then I remember and have to fumble fart around menus and turn it back on. It's a great extension and very helpful indeed...but if I could just click the ext icon and tick it off for emuparadise and have it stick or prevent it from downloading archives (7z, zips, that kind of thing). Holler at me. Sorry to bug ya. Hopefully this thing is still in active dev... | Answer |
2018-04-19 21:32 Goutham V | User Interface: Is there a way I can create a theme / User Interface. I really like this and want to know how to create themes. | Answer |
2018-04-20 04:53 Billy | Sniffer: Is there a way to disable the "confirm download" popup box from showing for every download? | Answer |
2018-04-24 14:37 fanng | General: 怎么在下载jar时不自动弹到大窗口,最好能在小窗口里操作。 | Answer |
2018-05-08 05:31 Drew Zerdecki | Sniffer: Thanks for the help.. Can I use batch descriptors with Sniffer? I want to download all the .pdf files on, then all the pdfs on all the way to page | Answer |
2018-06-15 23:35 Keith Watkins | General: what valid url must i enter in the required field all the ones i enter are invalid please help | Answer |
2018-06-27 00:25 MICHAEL PRATT | General: i want to keep chrome but delete chrono download manager | Answer |
2018-06-29 09:14 Willem P van der Lugt | Options: Can Chrono check the file integrity after download (SHA-1, MD5)? | Answer |
2018-06-30 11:10 Mike | General: How to disable " is dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it"? | Answer |
2018-07-14 22:44 namingmask | Sniffer: The Naming Mask input box is grayed out in batch/Sniffer mode?! -- When you right-click on a single image/file and use Chrono>save image as, you can edit Task Properties to change the Naming Mask for that file/download. -- However, if you use the Chrono Sniffer (from the bar button) for the whole page, there are two tabs at the bottom, one titled Quick Selection and the other Task Properties. Quick Selection works and allows you to select files to download, but when clicking on Task Properties, the box for Naming Mask is grayed out! I can't place the cursor in that box to create a naming mask for the downloads. This makes the batch download function useless. I'm not going to batch download a 100 files and then go back and individually rename them all. -- To clarify, yes I know (and have set) a universal default naming system as ., but I need to be able to add a name for each different batch/time I download files. When I do one at a time, Task Properties appears and you can edit the Naming Mask to be Bob_Smith--., but when using ChronoSniffer to download a batch/the whole page, this function is grayed out?!? | Answer |
2018-07-18 00:37 Adam | Pop-up Downloads List: When One Click Download is disabled. There is no prompt for naming when downloading from extension flash video downloader. The video won't download until one click download is enabled. | Answer |
2018-07-19 00:14 tune kalambaheti | General: could chrono download files with their original file timestamps? -- created time date / last modified time | Answer |
2018-07-19 05:28 zealson | General: 希望增加一个关闭浏览器后自动清除下载历史的功能,谢谢! | Answer |
2018-07-19 18:15 Jesse | Rule System: What configuration of naming masks would I need to generate file name: I009578_1C_02-OF.jpeg from url:$OF_Crop_Jesse$. I've tried just about everything and can't figure it out. A coworker is just using the automatic naming mask and it works for her, but it's different for me and we have the same exact settings. Please advise. | Answer |
2018-08-07 20:49 David Kuntschik | General: My dowload of ccsetup_hfpre.exe, my download manager says "virus scan failed". I purchased it, it is recorded in my bank already but I cannot download the file. | Answer |
2018-08-08 10:36 张谷歌 | Pop-up Downloads List: 下载下来的文件左键单击打开时总是出现弹窗: 打开下载的文件———— 允许“Chrono下载管理器”打开“XXXX文件”? 以前都直接打开的,如何关闭提示直接打开? | Answer |
2018-08-09 14:18 Rich Dell | Pop-up Downloads List: Can I move the progress window? It blocks the min-max-close buttons | Answer |
2018-08-19 16:17 Jack | General: 關機後要從頭開始下載 | Answer |
2018-08-23 17:32 John D | General: After a recent chrome or extension update, CDM always asks for permission to open files. Is there a way to disable this prompt? | Answer |
2018-08-24 08:26 BapCan | General: How to disable the pop-up "open download" when I want to open a file? | Answer |
2018-09-16 20:21 黄博 | Pop-up Downloads List: 关闭“一键下载”后,弹出的“新任务”界面点了下载又重复弹出来 | Answer |
2018-10-05 17:15 PHP | Sniffer: 能否增加导出嗅探后选中的文件列表的功能?或按照文件内网址批量下载软件?或针对本次的批量下载都保存到指定目录? | Answer |
2018-10-07 06:30 xiaohui | General: 下载到100%后需要确认才能成功,但是下载管理器的界面打不开了,无法确认。 | Answer |
2018-10-10 15:06 Saman | Options: Hi, Can I temporarily disable the downloader to use default Chrome downloader? | Answer |
2018-10-13 06:03 陳元傑 | Pop-up Downloads List: 我想問一下若我想批次下載https中的檔案,要如何透過下載器做到a~z資料夾中的檔案下載呢? 因為量太大無法一個一個慢慢點選下載。 以下是範例: EX: | Answer |
2018-10-14 10:54 anon | General: 每次打开下载完的文件,都会弹出一个对话框询问是否确认打开,点击确认才能打开文件。请问如何设置才能不需确认直接打开? | Answer |
2018-10-22 14:34 wacky | User Interface: how do i sort my downloaded files by date? It's really hard to find a file in 1k+ files for the file that i just downloaded | Answer |
2018-10-24 14:34 Rob K | Rule System: How can I schedule/automatically download the same four files every day, (they get updated every night)? | Answer |
2018-10-25 05:47 kEviN.H | General: 比如下载一个.rar完成后会在右下角有个提示框,然后我点那个打开按钮后总是会出现一个提示框问我是否打开这个文件,请问如果去掉这个提示。 | Answer |
2018-10-31 12:55 Lorenzo | Sniffer: How can I set a custom filter in Chrono Sniffer (regular expression). I am trying to make a filter that download only the files with a size greater than 1Mb. The size bar filter is not precise enough. | Answer |
2018-11-29 17:12 WALT | User Interface: How can I make the download manager tab NOT open every time I download something? | Answer |
2018-12-11 09:59 test | General: 类似下载+ 那样的简单模式。 比如不使用windows 桌面弹窗,而是在当前focus 页面的右下角进行弹窗。 因为本人使用双屏,如果左屏是主屏幕,我在右屏的网页上点击下载,下载弹窗会出现在左屏,不美观又不方便. | Answer |
2018-12-13 03:00 Xaralabos | Pop-up Downloads List: When u start a download the notification at the bottom right appears. After clicking on a button on it (or it might be right click -> disable, i dont remember) i can disable them but now i want to enable them again but i cant. The checkboxs are enabled in the chrono settings and i dont see chrono on the blocked notifications list on the chrome menu. How can i enabled them again? (without reseting the extension) | Answer |
2018-12-17 14:13 boomer007 | General: 很棒的插件!但是有点美中不足,每次批量下载的时候都要对一大批文件进行重复的保存操作,希望可以在批量下载功能中添加一个自动将全部任务保存在同一位置的功能。 | Answer |
2018-12-22 10:41 Waheed Alsayer | Main Interface: How to export the list of Finished Downloads. The site I'm downloading from takes a URL that has a key number then returns a filename to be saved as. I need to capture the list pair (URL-New Filename returned). | Answer |
2018-12-29 13:54 Gavin | General: Using a Windows 7 laptop PC. Can I recover lost files after clearing all tasks? | Answer |
2019-01-04 09:48 Nichts Hsu | General: Most of icons of Chrono became word. Here is a shot: My OS is Ubuntu 18.10 and chrome version is 71.0.3578.98. I would like to know if I should do something to fix it. Thx. | Answer |
2019-01-11 04:34 Ilnur | General: Hello! Is there any possibility to do following: after opening new tab in Chrome, I need to automatically start downloading of all items from that page with custom filter. Custom filter is based on regular expression, like "id=5". It works good in manual mode (thank you for that !) but it takes a lot of time) | Answer |
2019-01-13 13:35 Byron | General: I accidentally clicked yes and delete files. Is there anyway to recover those files like a recycle bin? | Answer |
2019-02-05 13:42 chronodownloader_account1111 | General: How do I add a custom date format (yyyymmdd instead of yyyy-mm-dd) to the beginning of the filename? Tried using "*date[,yyyyMMdd]**name*.*ext*" as the default naming mask, but the file saves as "_date[_test.jpg" instead. | Answer |
2019-02-13 16:13 Somchai | General: My chrome freeze until the file download finish. | Answer |
2019-02-24 23:06 J Andrew Hoerner | Sniffer: It often happens that the thumbnail images do not link directly to the full-sized file, but instead to some php thing which I believe retrieves the full-sized image file from a database. Does Chrono provide a way of downloading these full-sized images? | Answer |
2019-03-02 03:53 DPalmz | Pop-up Downloads List: So I used to be able to open a download from the pop-up download list, but for some reason, that doesn't work anymore. I didn't change any settings, so I was wondering if anyone knew what happened, or if there was a way to re-enable that. | Answer |
2019-03-15 22:45 Lionel | General: How do I stop the Chrono Download Manager tab from opening every time I start Chrome? | Answer |
2019-03-21 15:23 Ha | Rule System: 可以添加重命名为网页标题的功能吗 | Answer |
2019-03-22 11:41 Kaddy | General: How do I stop the download tab opening every time I download something? I'd like it to just run in the background and when I want to see the manager I click it open. Currently it opens after I click on something to download. | Answer |
2019-03-29 09:43 孙晨星 | General: 扩展与FDM、Aria2插件冲突:此扩展程序无法将下载的文件命名为xxxx,因为另一扩展程序已将文件命名为xxxx | Answer |
2019-03-31 17:51 GUY silver RIKARD | General: i wanted to know is there a keyboard shortcut or anyway possible just to punch/type and or press a key or 2 or few or click ONE thing to automatically use the feature of one click downloader | Answer |
2019-04-04 15:14 Alex | Main Interface: Ability / Option to "Delete/ Clear local downloaded file" (complete or incomplete) but retain Item Info (URL etc data) on Downloads list. Not possible right now. | Answer |
2019-04-05 07:15 roachsinai | General: 如何设置现在文件时桌面提醒的持续时间? | Answer |
2019-05-07 16:45 สุวืทย์ | General: ทำไมถึงดาวน์โหลดวีดีโอไม่ได้ครับ | Answer |
2019-06-23 07:51 Linus | General: how to recover deleted tasks and files? | Answer |
2019-07-02 04:32 Frantisek | Pop-up Downloads List: Some time ago I lost 1 functionality in popup downloads list. When I click on item that item no longer opens. Open in folder and everything else works fine. Any idea what might be causing that? Because thats major functionality lost for me | Answer |
2019-07-25 18:56 姚力 | Options: 更换背景中输入本地文件地址的格式是什么? | Answer |
2019-07-29 22:28 Funz | General: Sniffing all open tabs at once? Is it possible? | Answer |
2019-08-05 14:34 Mercury | General: 404 on chrome webstore | Answer |
2019-08-09 15:13 eee | General: chrono是下架了吗?商店里好像没有了 | Answer |
2019-08-14 11:31 陈晨 | Pop-up Downloads List: 批量下载数据,每次都询问“此类型文件可能损害您的计算机,您仍然要保留吗”?不点“保留”则不继续下载。怎么取消这个询问呢? | Answer |
2019-08-17 00:21 Rob | General: There is a way to download the extension and install it without webstore? | Answer |
2019-08-17 19:25 cd5 | General: the extension is no longer available on the web store !!! | Answer |
2019-08-28 08:04 Александр | General: Ваше расширение пропало из выдает ошибку страницы: 404. Произошла ошибка. | Answer |
2019-09-12 14:13 Rasitha | General: chrono download manager is not listed on web store.. where can i download | Answer |
2019-11-29 20:10 YILMAZ DURMAZ | General: Why CDM is not in web store anymore? What is the problem? Will this be fixed in future? | Answer |
2019-12-01 00:07 Matthew Clark | General: Where Did the Webstore Page Go? I cant download this for My browser | Answer |
2019-12-15 22:57 Ethan | General: Is it removed from the play store? 404 right now | Answer |
2019-12-19 09:55 Thanatos | Rule System: 批量任务中[1:10]&test=test 在命名规则里面如何按照number里面的数字进行命名? | Answer |
2019-12-23 06:22 Mark R Jackson | Main Interface: FEATURE REQUEST: Add option zero (immediate) to the 'clear completed tasks every x minutes' | Answer |
2019-12-27 20:22 Steven L | General: Hello, when will Chrono be back on the webstore? | Answer |
2020-01-12 05:04 Red Book | General: No longer Available?? Cannot find this extension in the google web store. | Answer |
2020-01-23 18:01 Daniel | General: Now that chrono has been removed from the store how can I download and install it? | Answer |
2020-03-29 08:23 lai | General: mac重启后,chrono插件就不见了,其他插件都正常 | Answer |
2020-03-29 08:34 lai | General: mac系统,通过离线包安装,安装后使用正常,但mac重启后,chrono插件就不见了,其他插件都正常 | Answer |
2020-04-11 05:36 shirmy | General: 一下载就提示SERVER_FORBIDDEN | Answer |
2020-04-17 18:24 张东 | Rule System: Edge设置规则不触发,不能按分类保存到指定文件夹 | Answer |
2020-06-23 16:59 董昕 | General: 我想下载网页视频。我明明把网址复制到建立新任务的那一栏里了,那为什么下载的文件是html而不是视频软件?我想下载Youtube上的视频。 | Answer |
2020-07-25 04:47 Erico Justin B. Tena | General: Good day. I would like to concern that Chrono Download Manager is not available in Chrome Web Store. Are there ways to install it in chrome manually? Thank you very much. | Answer |
2020-09-14 20:48 Jeremy | General: Where can I download this? It is no longer on Chrome store. | Answer |
2020-10-20 18:41 Eva | General: I accidently checked "Delete from disk" when clearing completed tasks, I just lost 1500 downloads. Can I recover the files? | Answer |
2021-01-13 11:54 kthree | Rule System: How do I define a rule that checks if the remark has a certain word and then exclude that word or regex from my naming mask | Answer |
2021-01-14 05:48 Steven | General: how do i disable the "ChronoDownloads folder" from being automatically created, and used instead of my set destination folder? | Answer |
2021-03-27 02:51 Nancy Rector | General: Hello! LOVE this extension! However, at some point, it started downloading a txt file along with the items I downloaded. The file is empty but the title is shown below. Is there a way I can prevent this file from downloading? TXT FILE IS NAMED THIS: Chrono testing download configuration, please click Cancel. Please make sure the browser save-as dialog is turned off and the default downloads location is writable (not a system folder).txt Thanks so much! Nancy Ü | Answer |
2021-06-04 20:47 Dan | General: Referer Link? From what I remember the referer link used to be the exact page the link comes from, now it seems to be just the host. (ex. (site/scene/page) now just (site)). Is this a change by Google/Chrome or is there some setting I can change? | Answer |
2021-06-17 03:23 Dude | General: is it possible to remove restrictions of 10,000 tasks, sometimes we may download more than 10,000. Thanks. | Answer |
2021-08-18 10:14 Luca | : Hello! I´m using the *num* function in the name mask to download videos in bulk. These videos are sorted in a list which has a specific order. I would like to include that order in the file name of each video that I download. *num* does the work quiet fine BUT only for the first time I start a download. Since *num* is the count of ALL downloads, the second list of videos starts with the count of the previous list. Question: how do I reset the count? Is there a better way to achieve my goal? Thank you so much! | Answer |
2021-08-18 10:20 Luca | : Hello! I´m using the *num* function in the name mask to download videos in bulk. These videos are sorted in a list which has a specific order. I would like to include that order in the file name of each video that I download. *num* does the work quiet fine BUT only for the first time I start a download. Since *num* is the count of ALL downloads, the second list of videos starts with the count of the previous list. Question: how do I reset the count? Is there a better way to achieve my goal? Thank you so much! | Answer |
2021-08-18 10:27 Luke | Rule System: Hello! I´m using the *num* function in the name mask to download videos in bulk. These videos are sorted in a list which has a specific order. I would like to include that order in the file name of each video that I download. *num* does the work quiet fine BUT only for the first time I start a download. Since *num* is the count of ALL downloads, the second list of videos starts with the count of the last download. Question: how do I reset the count? Is there a better way to achieve my goal? Thank you so much! | Answer |
2021-08-19 19:19 Andre | Options: Friendly question: In general I am very happy with this extension, thank you for sharing. There is however 1 feature I am missing c.q. I cannot find: How can I exclude certain website or file-type (e.g. nzb files)? Using the filters or rules perhaps?? I really don't have any clue and Google can't help me either ;-( Thank you in advance. Kind regards, André | Answer |
2021-09-11 22:10 J.S. | Sniffer: How can I specify a save location on an external USB hard drive? It keeps defaulting to my home Downloads folder unless I use the system dialog each time, which I don't want to do. I want to specify an automatic save location on an external USB hard drive. Thanks for any help. | Answer |
2021-10-11 10:01 mr.liu | Pop-up Downloads List: Pop up windows, this type of file may damage your computer. You still want to keep it. By default, what should I do | Answer |
2021-10-25 21:23 J Andrew Hoerner | Sniffer: Hi Folks! You have a truly great product. There is one thing that I often want to do that I do not know how to do, and I am hoping you can tell me how if it is posible, and if it is not, I'd like to know that too. In the latter case, please treat this as a feature request. It is often the case that a web page has thumbnails that ling to downloadable objects. Often the objects are of the same type, i.e., a tiny .jpg links to a bigger .jpg, but bu no means always. I have also wanted to download data files and short videos from thumbnails linked to the file. Is there any way to do this in Chrono -- download all the files linked to thumbnails as if I had clicked each one -- rather than the thumbnails? Please note: I am NOT asking for the LINKS associated with the thumbnails. I am asking for the FILES to which those links lead. Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you. Peace, --Andrew | Answer |
2022-01-18 09:58 楼闗閮 | Rule System: When I download multiple files, how do I rename them in the order in which they are arranged in the web page? | Answer |
2022-06-05 16:27 Tainted Tuba | Rule System: How do I create a naming mask using the text from the sniffer's remarks column? | Answer |
2022-06-05 22:44 Curious George | Pop-up Downloads List: What file does the extension store the task list in and where is that file located? | Answer |
2022-07-17 11:50 Steven | User Interface: How to Import Download I Downloaded Chrono Manager An Want To Choose The Import Download But Pressed The Wrong Button, How Can I Import It Now | Answer |
2022-10-09 21:57 Jamie | General: Hi, Is it possible to rename files to a specific name for each. e.g. named as "23523" named as "32523" named as "64353" Thanks, Jamie | Answer |
2022-10-10 16:47 merlin | Rule System: When downloading a series of files using *num* if I mess up one of the downloads it ends up skipping a number and throwing me off. Is there a way to start the *num* naming mask at a set number? | Answer |
2022-10-28 22:42 Dan | General: How do you retry failed downloads due to Disk Full error I have cleared up the space, but the jobs don't seem to want to restart I hit Ctrl-A to select all, then the Green double button But they don't move to the download section I did have one file move back to the downloading section, but not sure how I have copied the file links out to a text file, is there a way to import the list It is a lot of files and did not want to add them back manually | Answer |
2022-10-28 22:52 Dan | General: I have a HTTP website that looks like a a list of Files and Folders, like what you see if you went to a FTP site in your browser, but it is HTTP not FTP. There is a list of folders with sub-folders with files in them doing down 4 or 5 levels Is there a way to have Chrono pull the name of the folder you are in and all the sub folders and files under the main folder you are in | Answer |
2022-11-17 02:49 BugCache | Main Interface: Hi how to download instanly without having check box and Download All ? Just use double click or single click then popup window to save | Answer |
2022-12-31 13:33 Is dark mode planned or available? | General: Sorry if I haven't seen it, I'm new to Chrono, but I can't seem to find a way to enable dark mode. Is that available or planned? Thanks. | Answer |
2023-02-14 19:06 Igor | User Interface: Hi, can we get dark mode please, most usefull extension for Chrome, it will be awesome to have dark mode, please make it, you could make it 15 minutes, :) thanks. | Answer |
2023-03-20 20:00 Chip | User Interface: What are the keyboard shortcuts? They're mentioned in the description, but can't seem to find them anywhere. | Answer |
2023-04-19 18:21 Brendan | Sniffer: How can i make sniffer follow down through a folder hierarchy and download items from subfolders too? | Answer |
2023-05-16 14:21 bob bob | Pop-up Downloads List: Chrono Download Manger steals focus from browser tab and displays Pop-Up Downloads list. Also asks to keep .exe's if many tabs are open its difficult to return to correct tab and annoying to keep stealing focus. Is there an option to turn this off? | Answer |
2023-07-13 01:57 Andrew Hoerner | General: Hi! I love Chrono and on my laptop I use it constantly. But I also have five Android devices, and I have found nothing of comparable power and ease of use for them. Do you have an Android version I have somehow missed? Do you intend to? I'd love to be on ann announcement list if you think you might. | Answer |
2023-09-08 04:10 thierry voegtli | General: i get red error each time i use like another picture one click ext to download pictures. each time i do the chrono downloader comes with the error message "this extension has not named the download "xxxxxxxx2324.jpg"(called random name) because another (name of ext) it has decided to call it "randomname.jpg." And after each time it comes and i have to press "reload" but why is that???? its okay i get error message but why has the app to reload?? Here is link of screenshot (it is written in Danish and cant change that) | Answer |
2023-11-07 19:13 SM | General: How can I download the success and failed report. I can see it under all tasks but unable to download if access was denied or content not available failed to download or got downloaded with it's URL. | Answer |
2024-04-01 15:22 Daniel | Options: ENHANCEMENT Please add an option to remove notifications for automatic cleaning. It's deeply irritating. | Answer |
2024-05-07 11:17 James Long | User Interface: Dark mode?? | Answer |
2024-09-06 19:54 ken | Main Interface: When Chrome is opened, a tab for the Chrono download manager also opens up. I wish to remove this. I only want the download manager tab to open when i select to open it. | Answer |
2024-11-17 11:11 Michał Pliszka | : Dear Chrono Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out regarding a feature I am trying to use in Chrono Download Manager but am struggling to configure correctly. Here is my use case: I would like to download multiple files from different folders on a website and have them saved in folders on my computer that match the folder structure of the URLs. For example: Input URLs: Desired Output: C:/Downloads/folder1/file1.jpg C:/Downloads/folder2/file2.jpg I tried using [subdirs]/*name*.*ext* in the naming mask field, but the files are all being saved into a folder named [subdirs], instead of creating the desired directory structure based on the URLs. I would appreciate any guidance on how to configure Chrono to achieve this, or if it’s currently not supported, whether such functionality might be added in a future update. Thank you for your time and for creating such a useful tool! Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Michał Pliszka | Answer |
2024-11-17 11:17 Michał Pliszka | : Dear Chrono Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out regarding a feature I am trying to use in Chrono Download Manager but am struggling to configure correctly. Here is my use case: I would like to download multiple files from different folders on a website and have them saved in folders on my computer that match the folder structure of the URLs. For example: Input URLs: Desired Output: C:/Downloads/folder1/file1.jpg C:/Downloads/folder2/file2.jpg I tried using [subdirs]/*name*.*ext* in the naming mask field, but the files are all being saved into a folder named [subdirs], instead of creating the desired directory structure based on the URLs. I would appreciate any guidance on how to configure Chrono to achieve this, or if it’s currently not supported, whether such functionality might be added in a future update. Thank you for your time and for creating such a useful tool! Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Michał Pliszka | Answer |
2024-11-17 11:35 Michał Pliszka | : Dear Chrono Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out regarding a feature I am trying to use in Chrono Download Manager but am struggling to configure correctly. Here is my use case: I would like to download multiple files from different folders on a website and have them saved in folders on my computer that match the folder structure of the URLs. For example: Input URLs: Desired Output: C:/Downloads/folder1/file1.jpg C:/Downloads/folder2/file2.jpg I tried using [subdirs]/*name*.*ext* in the naming mask field, but the files are all being saved into a folder named [subdirs], instead of creating the desired directory structure based on the URLs. I would appreciate any guidance on how to configure Chrono to achieve this, or if it’s currently not supported, whether such functionality might be added in a future update. Thank you for your time and for creating such a useful tool! Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Michał Pliszka | Answer |
2024-11-17 11:44 Michał | General: Dear Chrono Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out regarding a feature I am trying to use in Chrono Download Manager but am struggling to configure correctly. Here is my use case: I would like to download multiple files from different folders on a website and have them saved in folders on my computer that match the folder structure of the URLs. For example: Input URLs: Desired Output: C:/Downloads/folder1/file1.jpg C:/Downloads/folder2/file2.jpg I tried using [subdirs]/*name*.*ext* in the naming mask field, but the files are all being saved into a folder named [subdirs], instead of creating the desired directory structure based on the URLs. I would appreciate any guidance on how to configure Chrono to achieve this, or if it’s currently not supported, whether such functionality might be added in a future update. Thank you for your time and for creating such a useful tool! Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Michał Pliszka | Answer |
2024-11-23 09:48 test123 | General: test123 | Answer |
2025-01-11 17:38 LeAnna J | General: it says "Your file couldn’t be accessed It may have been moved, edited, or deleted." I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. | Answer |